Lion President Jennifer Ho
President 2023-2024
Dear members and friends,
It is a great honour and pleasure for me to serve as President of LCS Fort Canning and I'm looking forward to an exciting year ahead. Singapore Lions (Sub-District 308-A1) leaves Multiple District 308 (Brunei-Malaysia-Singapore) and enters a new era as District 309, a single Lions District on 1st July 2023.
Our club is built on a strong foundation and I’m fortunate to have a membership team that is fully committed to the Lions motto “We Serve”. We celebrated our Club's 35th Anniversary on 4th March 2023, and we shall continue to go the extra mile in building the club and carry out the many projects that will benefit our community.
Some of our on-going projects are:
• Hot meals served at AWWA Senior Community Home
• Festive celebrations with seniors
• Lions Art Festival
• Blue Skies for Kids (befriending kids from low income families)
• Multi-generation outing for seniors and children
Let me take this opportunity to congratulate Immediate Past President Aileen Ang and her Board for another successful year. Proud to announce our Club received the Gold Award from Lions Clubs District 308-A1 on 24th June 2023.
I would also like to congratulate each of the Board members for 2023-2024 and I’ll be looking forward to serving with you.
Together, We Can
Please take care and stay safe.
Yours in Lionism
Jennifer Ho
President 2023-2024